Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Valued Members of NATO (IIPM-New)


IIPM-Bangalore ! IIPM-Chennai ! IIPM-New Delhi ! IIPM-Mumbai ! IIPM-Pune ! IIPM-Hyderabad ! IIPM-Ahemdabad

Today, nations that were members of the Soviet Union’s Warsaw Pact, as well as some of the former Soviet Republic’s countries, that we used to call captive nations, are valued members of NATO and represent some of our most stalwart allies in the war on terror. This did not happen by accident or by chance. Looking forward, I am convinced that if we have the wisdom, courage, and strength to adjust long-standing strategic arrangements, embrace new partners, and, above all, persevere in the face of adversity and difficulty, we will see a similar victory in this long war against violence and extremism and the other threats that may emerge in an uncertain new century.

For Complete IIPM-Article, Click on IIPM-Editorial Link

Source IIPM-Editorial,2006