Monday, February 25, 2008

Lung ‘crack’ers!

Come Diwali and the festive spirit, like always, will lighten up faces, houses et al. Amid the glittering markets will be seen people indulging in binge shopping, exchanging gift s, throwing cards, partying and some even buying a new set of wheels. All in all, merry-making to the hilt and splurging on goodies, as if tomorrow will never come. Unfortunately, alongside lightened houses will once again be seen, the skies all lit up like a rain of fire…. Let’s not touch upon the air pollution part of it for a second – the fact that the smog post Diwali is why a lot of people develop breathing ailments leading to diseases like Asthma. Remember how last Diwali Buzo, your pet pal went scurrying for cover under the table, bed or whatever it could manage to squeeze himself under; crooning with fear at every loud bang of a cracker, as though it weren’t crackers but bombs exploding on the front? For the uninformed, let me inform that what might have seemed harmless to you, for your poor pet you love to love so much (and whose sense of hearing is many times more sensitive than yours) it’s exactly that - bomb explosions one after the other!

For Complete IIPM Article, Click on IIPM Article

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